The Dog Park (Feb 20th)


Posted by Sevren | Posted in | Posted on 10:48 PM

We went to the Dog Park today. It's a pretty neat place. Chubs had been here a few times before, and he stayed overnight a few times with the place that ran it, Petsafe Village. He said it's pretty cool. They got beds for dogs, and they paint the walls so it looks like a little room, and they even have cameras so your folks can watch you while they are away on a trip, just to check up on you. Chubs said he didn't say in one of those super duper fancy rooms, but he passed them on the way to his.

Anyway, we went to the park. It was nice and I got to run around without my leash on and play with the other dogs. There were lots of dogs there. Maybe four thousand or so. My folks said it was closer to twenty or thirty though. All I know it was a lot. They were running all over the place. Some where getting chased by their humans, others were chasing after their humans. I didn't know what was going on.

They had this little pond with a stream that ran into a giant pond. We mostly played in the little pond.

Lots of dogs jumped in but I watched from the edge and chased them around the water.

Sometimes I just chased other dogs and pretended that they were sheep. I guided these two back into the water because I made it their home. I don't know if sheep live in the water, but today, these did.

 See, here they are back in their home.

After I sent them home I went by the side of the pond and posed for my folks and let them know I am a good shepherd dog.

I think I pose pretty good.

There were all kinds of dogs there. Here's a picture of Tristan chatting it up with some bigger dogs. One of them was a Great Dane. He was probably the biggest dog there all day.

Here's the smallest. I think the little guy was probably too small to be here, but his folks wanted to show him what this place looked like I guess.

At the end of the day there was a little excitement. Mom and Dad and Tristan were all sitting at a bench chatting with a few other people they had met before at the dog food store. They had this little pug named Gimli that I had seen before too. Anyway, suddenly this big Akita comes up with a few other dogs and growls at Tristan and goes for him. There was this giant fight that Dad got into the middle of. All I saw was lots of teeth and lots of growls and barks. It was pretty crazy. I jumped in and snipped at the Akita's feet and helped my big brother out. That guy should know better than to mess with Chubs with me around. Everyone was okay in the end, though Mom and Dad were mad at the Akita and his humans.

Anyways, we went home after that. It had been a long day and I was a bit tired. There is only so many Sheep a german shepherd can take back to the pond in one day!

Stinkfoot (Feb 17th)


Posted by Sevren | Posted in | Posted on 9:43 PM

Once Mom and Dad got home from work, we got to go to the Vet. I was finally gonna get my bandage off, and I didn't have to wear that stoopid cone, no mores. I was tired of looking like a flower dog.

Anyway, we got to the Vet and I got weighed again. I am up to forty-five pounds now. That's another five pounds since last week. My folks have slowed me down on food a little bit, but now they are exercising me more so I'm starting to get big and strong like Chubs.

Doctor Kendrick snipped my bandage off and wrinkled her nose. She said I had a smelly paw. I think her paw would be smelly too if it had been wrapped up in a bandage for three days with bunches of medicine and toes. She said for my folks to get some baby powder so it wouldn't stink so much. Other than that I was good to go home.

My folks had to roll the windows down in the car on the way home. They said my foot smelled like rotten eggs and sewer gas. They were laughing but I got all alert and kept on the look out for aliens. Chubs once told me he smelt sewer gas before he was abducted. We made it home safe.

After we got home we were pretty tired. It's hard work keeping watch for aliens. Mom was tired too and she fell asleep on the couch next to me in the computer room. Maybe she has to watch out for aliens too.

I'm glad I don't have to wear my cone no mores.

Conehead (Feb 16th)


Posted by Sevren | Posted in | Posted on 11:07 PM

Yep, I got it, the Cone of Shame. It's in the most girly color ever. Thanks Mom. Thanks Dad.

One day, when you are relaxing, drinking a cold human drink with crunchy ice and watching TV, and suddenly I walk up to you and bite you in the butt for no reason, well this is the reason. Remember not to point and yell at me, or frown at me, or grump at me. I owe you. 

My doctor said I had to wear one for like three days. Three days is a very long time in puppy time. It's at least four days human time, or possibly more. It's a lot.

When I'm wearing it I bump into things. Like couches, and chairs, and table legs, and door frames, and doors, and tv stands, and my folks, and Chubs, and plants, and the coffee table, and the kitchen counter, and steps, and even the floor. It is not very fun. My folks don't think I notice, but they look sad when I do it. I try not too, but I still have big puppy feet and sometimes it hard walking even if I don't have a cone on my head. But I don't want them to be sad so I try hard.

Here is me drinking water outside. I bumped into my water bowl too.

Sometimes when I'm drinking water like this, and I look up and see the sky is pink, and the house is pink and even my dad is pink i laugh a little because they look a little funny.

When Mom comes home she takes it off of me so I can play and run around like normal. But I gotta put it back on at bed time. They don't want me to chew on my bandage and make me ouchie again. I'm not so sure, but I guess I should wear it and listen. My parents love me lots and take care of me.

Even if they are pink sometimes.

Chips and Toes (Feb 14th)


Posted by Sevren | Posted in | Posted on 6:49 PM

I forgot to mention that a couple other things happened yesterday. One is when I was at the Mardi Growl, I got a microchip, just like Chubs has in him. So we are both cyber-dogs now. I'd like to think I'm the younger and more advanced model.

But if you notice my foot, you'll see one of them has a bandage. You see, when Chubs was being attacked by aliens the other day, I decided to come to his rescue and set him free. It was hard and many were wounded, including me, but we made it out.

My folks also said that my claw was probably stepped on or got caught on something during Mardi Growl, since that's where they noticed it was hurt. I think it was still the Aliens.

Anyways, my claw was bleeding lots. It stopped yesterday and seemed to be okay, but when Chubs and I was playing today, it started bleeding again and I left little blood marks on the living room floor, and my Mom got worried and decided to take me to the doctor. The doctor said it was cracked pretty bad and they'd need to give me some drugs tomorrow and then trim it when it didn't hurt. I told them that I could tough it out, and that if I looked bad, they should have seen the aliens, but she just petted me and smiled.

She bandaged me up, gave me some pills and told my folks they would see me in the morning.

After my toe got a little red from bleeding, I was given a new name, Crimson Claw. It is my new super-hero, super-spy, evil-villian, or american-indian name, which ever I might need the soonest. I hope it's not the American-Indian one, because it would probably mean we aren't fighting giant robots, and are probably only watching Dances with Wolves.

Mardi Growl! (Feb 13th)


Posted by Sevren | Posted in | Posted on 3:10 PM

We went to the Mardi Growl today. It was pretty neat. There were lots of dogs and no cats. There were big dogs, little dogs, skinny dogs, round dogs, furry dogs and even some dogs that couldn't walk, but had these cool wheels that helped them run around.

I heard there were over seven hundred dogs there. At least that's what people said, I didn't count them or anything. Though I should have, I was there for almost three hours. It was fun!

Me and Tristan, I mean Chubs, got our picture taken by lots and lots of people. They kept on saying how beautiful we looked and talked to Mom and Dad about us. Tristan acted like he had done this before and started howling at people and making them stop and laugh.

When we were walking around Tristan found Elvis. He was sitting outside a cafe watching people walk by. He didn't sing or anything, he was just watching.

We walked all day and got petted a bunch, like five thousand times, and we got about eighty seven treats, and we got to talk to all kinds of those dogs I was talking about.

We got a few pictures of us after we went out there too. Here's me and mom and Chubs and dad.

Okay, I'm tired now. Time for a nap. Ah Re-vores!

Aliens got Chubs (Feb 11th)


Posted by Sevren | Posted in , | Posted on 10:52 PM

Yep, I think the Aliens got Chubs today. I went in the hallway tonight and saw a giant pile of fur and a red donut that looks like a mini-space ship. It did not really smell like an alien though. I would know an alien if I smelt one cause I have a good sniffer.


Also another thing that could have happened is that Chubs had a Son. And he left this red chewy toy as a gift for him. 

Mom and Dad said that they just brushed out alot of his undercoat because it was getting close to clumping underneath. They said they used a furminator to get all of this out. That makes me think of him being a terminator again and if he really is half robot.

I hope they don't use the furminator on me. I don't want an alien baby.

Forty! (Feb 10th)


Posted by Sevren | Posted in | Posted on 10:38 PM

Okay.. looks like i'm getting closer to Chubs size. Went to the doctor today and they said I am now forty pounds. I was thirty-three el-bee's a couple weeks back. I guess that meant I weighted as much as thirty mexican bee's. I don't know if that is a lot or not. I guess not since they let me chomp so much.

I guess they still want me to get a little bit more chunky. Mom said it was because Dad wants to eat me for dinner one day. He is part Korean. I don't think he really would eat me, I lick him bunches.

Anyway here are two pictures.. me on the couch after the doctor (is hard work going to the vet).

And here is a picture of me back on January 25th, when you could see my Reebs. When everyone said I was too skinny like I had dogorexia. And I got a new shiny coat. It can pretty much reflect lasers.

Stop looking at my reebs dad, I am not tasty and good with BBQ sauce.