Posted by Sevren | Posted in | Posted on 12:02 AM

Dad stayed home from work on Monday to give me an extra day around the house with my paws free. I guess he wanted to make sure I was going to be okay. He took lots of pictures of me so they would have them of me when I was little.

The day was going pretty good. I was getting lots of attention, lots of food, and lots of time on what I've decided is my red couch, its the best place to watch TV in the house!
Then I got to go on a ride in Mom's car. We drove across town and I got to look out the windows at other cars. I felt pretty good cause not many of them had other dogs in them. I was pretty lucky.
Then we got to a new looking building (Asheville Hwy Animal Hospital) and went inside where there were other dogs and cats. That's when I realized I was at a vet! Oh Noes, it's a trap! That's where I was last week to get my bits snipped! After I figured that out I slinked around the vet's office like a panther. I don't know why I did that, but it was a good effect that caused a few people to wonder what I was up to.
Anyway, I got over it. Maybe this place would be better. I got to meet lots of people including an old golden retriever wearing a sweatshirt. He looked like he liked wearing it too. He walked around with his leash in his mouth.
Then I got to meet my doctor. She was very nice. Her name is Dr. Kendrick. She checked me over, made sure my stitches were good, and cleaned my ears out. She also checked my weight (I weigh 32 pounds). She said I was a little skinny, but I'd be fine on the food I was eating. She also checked my hind end. I'm not sure what she did back there, cause I couldn't see, but I did get a treat so it wasn't so bad.

They also gave my parents a couple kinds of medicine to make sure I turn out all fit and stuff. As long as it doesn't taste like dirt, I'll be fine.
My folks told me we were going to be back in two weeks to see how I'm doing and check my weight. Hopefully they don't check my hiney again, it wasn't my favorite thing. I like tasty food and being petted. Not hiney stuff.
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